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Broad Street Elementary School

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Parents are expected to call or email the school within the first hour of the school day to report absences or delays.

Phone - 717-691-4574 or email: [email protected]

According to MASD Policy, the only excusable reasons for absences from school are: illness, quarantine of the home, death in the immediate family or urgent and unavoidable family emergency. 

A written excuse (signed by the parent or guardian with whom the child resides), must be submitted within three (3) school days of the absence. If an acceptable written excuse is not submitted within three (3) school days, the absence will automatically be marked unexcused.

Any student who is absent from school for 5 or more consecutive days is required to submit a doctor’s excuse to confirm the illness. In addition, any student who develops a pattern of poor attendance – for any reason - may be required to submit a doctor’s excuse for all absences and tardies. Failure to submit the required doctor’s excuse will result in the absence/tardy being marked unlawful.