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CatchUP Week

This week is all about catching up. See the attached document to learn how you can use your time to complete remaining activities, revise work, and explore our resources. Use this week to also check that you have access to the SeeSaw Class App, Xtra Math, EPIC, and ConnectED. Lastly, we will be having a class meeting at 2:00pm on Wednesday (April 8th) on Zoom. Look for a link on SeeSaw. See you then! 

Week #3 - Wednesday Optional Activities

Attached you will find new ELA and math activities. The ELA activities stem from our "Laugh a Little" unit. One math activity may remind you of our "Which One Doesn't Belong" Performance Task. Lastly, the math SeeSaw activities provide a lot of really good practice with multiplication facts and strategies. I look forward to reading and responding to many of your posts!

Week #3 - Monday Optional Activities

Attached are NEW ELA and Math activities. These are still optional and ungraded. This week is all about getting you to interact with your peers. There will be many opportunities for you to see one another's work and post a comment too! Enjoy socializing and learning in this digital format!

Optional Activities for Friday

Today there are NEW optional activities to keep 3rd graders engaged in learning. Don't forget that these are optional and ungraded. 
Mrs. Newell is also hosting a special Zoom session today (Friday, March 27th) at 2:00pm. This session will allow 3N students to interact with their classmates and teacher face to face. Parents, please check SeeSaw for more information.

Optional Activities for Wednesday

Here are some engaging, fun, and enriching activities. As a reminder, these are optional and ungraded. Your specialists also have activities for you too. You can access these activities by going to the "Learn From Home Activities" tab and clicking on their website links. Enjoy growing your brain and practicing skills you've learned this year! 

Seesaw Home Learning

Your student now has access to SeeSaw at home. The Class SeeSaw app is different from the Family SeeSaw app. It will allow your student complete activities and post items, just like they do at school! A special code has been sent to you through SeeSaw. 

Optional Activities for Monday

There will be various engaging activities posted this week. All activities are optional and ungraded! Feel free to have your student participate and encourage them to post on SeeSaw if they see the SeeSaw icon next to the activity.
~Mrs. Newell